Men's Rhythmic Gymnastics

Japanese men's rhythmic gymnastics will immediately fascinate people.

We will introduce videos that were played over 30 million times on Facebook.

This is a team of high school students.
(You can see it on You Tube by clicking the You Tube icon in the video)

Their very high physical ability makes this performance.

Their very enthusiastic practice makes amazing synchronicity.

How are ranks determined at these competitions?

The referee scores up to 20 points in consideration of difficulty and completeness.

In 2013, this team was ranked 4th in the All Japan Championship.


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Men's rhythmic gymnastics Мужская художественная гимнастика Gymnastique rythmique masculine Ginástica rítmica masculina Ginnastica ritmica maschile Gimnasia rítmica masculina Miesten rytminen voimistelu الجمباز الإيقاعي للرجال Meeste rütmiline võimlemine Heren ritmische gymnastiek Muška ritmička gimnastika Mäns rytmiska gymnastik ยิมนาสติกลีลาของผู้ชาย Pánská rytmická gymnastika Mænds rytmiske gymnastik Männer rhythmische Gymnastik Erkekler ritmik jimnastiği Menns rytmiske gymnastikk पुरुषों की लयबद्ध जिमनास्टिक Мъжка ритмична гимнастика Thể dục nhịp điệu nam Gimnastyka rytmiczna mężczyzn Эрэгтэй хэмнэлтэй гимнастик Gimnastica ritmică pentru bărbați 남성 리듬 체조 男子韵律体操 男子韻律體操